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So You've Been Publicly Shamed
Here I am talking about So You've Been Publicly Shamed at the Sydney Opera House, as part of the Festival of Dangerous Ideas, in September 2015:
Here's my Shamed TED talk:
Here I am discussing the book with Shad from CBC's Q:
Here I am discussing the book with Joe Rogan:
Here I am talking to Richard Fidler in Australia about the book: Link
This is the video that started the journey that became So You've Been Publicly Shamed. My stressful meeting with the three academics who created the Jon Ronson spambot (infomorph).
About a year-and-a-half into writing So You've Been Publicly Shamed, I was asked to give a talk about it at the Mumsnet conference in London. I didn't want to give away details about who was in the book - I didn't want to reveal anything about the interviews or adventures - but I thought it would be a good opportunity to talk about where the story was going.
Anyway. This was what I said.
While I was writing the book, Marc Maron asked me to be a guest on his podcast. He asked me what I was working on. And even though loose lips sink ships, I told him.
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